Touch Event Constants

In addition to the key events described in the previous section, radios with a color touch screen also provide touch events to the widget scripts.

The following touch events are passed in the event argument to the widget script refresh function (when in full screen mode), just like the key events. The following touch events are provided:

In addition to the above touch events a touchState table is passed to refresh with the following addional data fields:


  • touchState is nil if event is not a touch event. This can be used to test if we have a touch event or a key event.

    • Since Lua evaluates a nil value to false and everything else to true:

    • if touchState then we have a touch event.

  • x, y are present for all touch events.

  • startX, startY, slideX, slideY are only present with EVT_TOUCH_SLIDE.

  • swipeUp / swipeDown / swipeLeft / swipeRight may be present only withEVT_TOUCH_SLIDE.

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