setStickySwitch(id, value)

Sets the value of a sticky logical switch.

@status current Introduced in 2.6


  • id: integer identifying the sticky logical switch (zero for LS1 etc.).

  • value: true/false. The new value of the sticky logical switch.

Return value

  • bufferFull: true/false. This function sends a message from Lua to the logical switch processor via a buffer with eight slots that are read 10 times per second. If the buffer is full, then a true value is returned, and no message was sent (i.e. the switch was not changed).


  • If you create an empty sticky switch STICKY(---, ---) then it will be ON by default. If you want a sticky switch that is OFF by default, and can be controlled by this function, then use the switch itself as the source for V1, e.g. L11 = STICKY(L11, ---)

Last updated