One-Time Scripts


One-time scripts are used mainly to perform tasks that are not connected with flying. In example ELRS configuration LUA script. They do their task and are then terminated (by user or function) and unloaded.

Execution & Lifetime

Script is executed when user selects "Execute" on a script file from SD card browser screen, or opens a Lua Tool, or creates a new model with a Wizard script.

The script executes until:

  • it returns value different from 0 (except returning string that contains new script name to be executed)

  • is forcefully closed by user by long press of EXIT key

  • is forcefully closed by system if it misbehaves (e.g. run-time error or low


Running a One-Time script will suspend execution of all other currently loaded Lua scripts (Custom, Telemetry, and Functions). They are automatically restarted once the One-Time script is finished. This is done to provide enough system resources to execute the One-Time script.

File Location

One-Time Scripts can be placed anywhere on SD card, however, the folder /SCRIPTS/ is recommended.

If One-Time Script is placed in special folder /SCRIPTS/TOOLS it will be visible in EdgeTX RADIO>TOOLS tab To give this One-Time Script unique name place at the beginning of lua script line: -- toolName = "TNS|ScriptName|TNE

Otherwise script's filename will be used to display in RADIO>TOOLS list.

Wizard scripts must be stored in the same subfolder of /TEMPLATES/ with the same "first name" as the template file using it. Some Wizard scripts are just small scripts that load one of the common scripts located in /SCRIPTS/WIZARD/.


Every script must include a return statement at the end, defining its interface to EdgeTX. This statement returns a table with the following fields:




Function is called periodicaly when script is running.


event number

Used to indicates which radio key has been pressed (see Key Events)

touchState table

This parameter is only present when radio is equiped with touch interface and event is a touch event (see Touch State Events).

Return values

exit multi type

  • if exit value is 0 (zero) script will continue to run

  • if exit value is non-zero script will be halted.

  • If exit value is a text string with the file path to a new Lua script, then the new script will be loaded and run.




This function is called once when script is executed

Parameters none

Return Values none


Simplest one-time LUA script

local function my_run(event, touchState)
  print("Script run executed")
  return 0

return { run = my_run }

Because 0 is returned all the time this script will continue running until user long press EXIT (RTN) key.

One-Time LUA script with initialization and exit feature if user short press and release EXIT (RTN) key

local exit = 0

local function my_run(event, touchState)
  print("Script my_run function executed")
  -- code to execute
  if event == EVT_VIRTUAL_EXIT then 
    print("Script exit executed")
    exit = 1
  return exit

local function my_init()
  print("Script my_init function executed")
  -- code to execute

return { run = my_run, init = my_init }